Thankfully, you can disable S Mode in just a few easy steps. Windows 10 S Mode is a feature in Microsoft’s operating system that restricts the types of files users can download and they activities they can perform. When activated, you can only install software from the official Microsoft Store; you won’t be able to download and install software through other channels, such as websites and email. @ericwhitmer, my office does tech support for students, including on their personal devices. One of the first things we end up needing to do is take their devices off of S Mode.

Windows 11 upgrade issues that desktop admins should know Windows upgrades have caused numerous issues in the past, and the move to Windows 11 is no exception. Learn what problems IT can expect during a migration to Windows 11. Administrators that have upgraded to Windows 11 have found that sometimes the operating system doesn’t perform as well as Windows 10. Initially, they attributed this to a memory leak in File Explorer that was known to degrade system performance over time.

However, there is also a reason for some people to search for such an option. For this purpose, you need to press the “Prtsc” key which is probably present on the top right corner of every keyboard. Pressing this key will take a screenshot of the display screen and send it to the Clipboard. So, definitely a very effective method which will do your job without consuming a single bit of data from your hard drive. You can also start a capture with the current settings by pressing the PrtScn button , which is the default global capture hotkey. MacOS has keyboard shortcuts for different kinds of screenshots and a Screenshots app for a little more flexibility.

Trick2- How To Turn On Bluetooth On Windows 10 using Keyboard.

Selecting this option opens the Windows 10 settings page and where we can find the orientation setting. When viewing the list of options we will see that we can select whether we want to see the desktop screen in vertical position or rotate it horizontally or vertically. It is without a doubt the fastest and easiest way to rotate your desktop screen, however, this tip is subject to change depending on the graphics card of each computer. However, since it is compatible with the vast majority, the combination of Alt Gr + Ctrl + arrow keys will allow us to rotate the desktop screen one way or the other easily and quickly. If your system has an Intel CPU with Intel HD Graphics Control Panel installed, you might have seen that the screen rotates when you press Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Keys shortcut.

Windows 10 will take a screenshot across all your screens and automatically save it to the Screenshots folder. Your Screenshots folder can be found in your Pictures folder which you can access through File Explorer. Another useful tool is the copy button, which once you press it, or use Ctrl + C, copies the image into your clipboard. You can now paste it to share it, in an email or WhatsApp message for example. If you have no more use for this screenshot, you don’t even have to save it after sharing it, saving you on disk space. To map it to the Print Screen button, simply search for ‘Settings’ and navigate to ‘Ease of Access’ and ‘Keyboard’.

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Tap the check box next to your phone’s name to make your phone visible to other Bluetooth devices. It will connect automatically if you have already connected. So, don’t worry if you don’t have a mouse or pointing device.

Click the Display Orientation drop-down box and choose an option. Techlicious editors independently review products. To help support our mission, we may earn affiliate commissions from links contained on this page.

These apps are all crap, compared to my Mac experience. Why are Windows apps so crappy, esp. those on the app store… However, perhaps the most useful way you can use your PrintScreen button is to set it to open the Snip & Sketch tool. Depending on what kind of keyboard you have, the PrintScreen key might be labeled in several ways—Prt sc, Prtsc, PrintScreen, or PrtScn are the most common.

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